Summer Fun has just begun with out exciting Summer Camps at Sharjah Ladies Club and its Branches!


Summer Fun has just begun with out exciting Summer Camps at Sharjah Ladies Club and its Branches!

Preparations are completed by Sharjah Ladies Club and its ten branches for the launch of "Mushmis Summer Camp", which will be held during the summer vacation season for schools, from July 4 to August 26, 2021.


The Camps will take place in the main club and the ten branches in the Eastern and Central Regions of the Emirate of Sharjah, with the highest standards of safety and precaution measures. Activities are classified according to gender categories and age groups; targeting children, including girls and boys, from 5 to 16 years old; and boys from 5 to 8 years old.


The program consists of 5 different camps held in the main branch and all other club branches. The camps will offer a variety of events ranging from fitness activities such as swimming, karate, ice skating, yoga and kayaking to various arts and crafts such as drawing, coloring, accessories making, dolls, decorative arts and pottery.


They also offer Quran memorisations and reading programs, many innovative professional workshops in cooking and sewing, beauty care sessions and the arts of hair and skin care, in addition to many other activities such as cinema shows, nature discovery, water-sensory games, sand designs, parachute games, sports challenge competitions, open days of entertainment, and many adventure games and fun competitions.


The Club provides the possibility of registering for its Summer Camps at the main club and its branches and clarifies all the details of the Camp through its accounts on social media platforms @ShjLadiesClub, @Slcbranches, and its websites and


Regarding the Summer Camps, the Director General of Sharjah Ladies Club Khawla Al Serkal, explained that the Club and its branches work according to a well-established strategy that integrates with the pioneering work system in the Emirate of Sharjah in empowering children and adolescent girls, to play its societal role in supporting and developing them within its areas of influence and specialisations; and the most prominent of these are the school vacation camps which take place in summer, spring and winter.


She added that the circumstances of the current stage require us to find developmental and entertainment alternatives for our children and create opportunities to practice healthy physical activities amid life changes that imposed lack of movement and daily use of electronic tablets. That is why we focus on providing various activities through our Summer Camps that are a haven for children during the school vacation, which nourishes them on the mental and physical level in fun ways.


The Club also makes sure to apply the highest quality standards in its programmes for all age groups benefiting from its activities and is keen to invent activities that enable participants to try new experiences that enrich them with benefits, joy and fun.


The Manager of the Sharjah Ladies Club - Kalba Branch Moza Al Weshahi explained that the Summer Camps in the Club's branches are witnessing a remarkable turnout from the people of the Emirate's cities in the Eastern and Central Regions, as the Camps are the richest in activities and offer the most renewable and developed annual versions, which stimulates the turnout of participants, and raises their levels of benefit and enjoyment.


She added that Summer Programmes have become a vital necessity for children, boys and girls, in view of their importance in developing their talents and skills and enhancing their personal and social capabilities.


She stressed that all Camp activities will be implemented in full compliance with safety and public health standards.

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